The 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, AIED 2023, will take place July 3-7, 2023 in Tokyo, Japan and virtually
(synchronous hybrid)
The AIED 2023 theme is
“AI in Education for Sustainable Society”
A sustainable society is driven by the principle of realising peace and prosperity for all people and the planet with an inclusiveness that “leaves no one behind." As the AIED community, we concern ourselves with the mission of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to contribute to a world with equitable and universal access to quality education at all levels.
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What’s New
- 2023.07.02
- In-person registration (participate at the venue) is now re-open.
- 2023.06.26
- Proceedings is now open (the actual contents will be available a few days before the conference)
- 2023.06.23
- Program Details are now open.
- 2023.06.19
- IAALDE Session page is now open.
- 2023.06.09
- Time Table is updated.
- 2023.06.09
- Hospitality Desk is now open.
- 2023.06.07
- Half-day Sightseeing Tour is updated.
- 2023.05.25
- Time Table is now open.
- 2023.05.08
- Sponsorship updated.
- 2023.04.28
- Accepted Papers and Workshops and Tutorials updated.
- 2023.04.27
- Registration updated.
- 2023.04.26
- Accessibility page is now open.
- 2023.04.26
- Workshops and Tutorials updated.
- 2023.04.24
- Accepted Papers updated.
- 2023.04.21
- Workshops and Tutorials page is now open.
- 2023.04.12
- Accommodation page is now open.
- 2023.04.11
- Workshop and Tutorial page is now open.
- 2023.04.07
- Accepted Papers page is now open.
- 2023.04.03
- Registration is now open.
- 2023.03.28
- Registration and Visa Support page is now open.
- 2022.12.27
- Sponsorship page is now open.
- 2022.09.27
- Website open.