Officer Positions at IAIED

The IAIED Society is soliciting contributors to the Society's technology and outreach as well as Society’s science communication. The positions are suitable for early career researchers (PhD students or postdoctoral researchers) with passion to assist with the visibility and growth of the Society.

There are two roles and two positions per role. Each position will last for 2 years. Every year we renew one of the positions so there is one year overlap between an experienced officer and the new officer.

To apply please send an email to with the subject "IAIED Officer position 2024" and including:

  • your CV
  • a short statement (around 300 words) indicating which position you apply for, why and what skills you bring
  • indicate your previous involvement in IAIED: if you have attended previous conferences and/or plan to attend AIED 2025
  • if possible, include a recommendation letter from a member of the IAIED Management Board or Executive Committee (see names here).

Deadline: Please apply by September 15, 2024 to receive full consideration.

The successful candidates will receive:

  • Full AIED conference registration and travel/accommodation stipend to attend the conference while serving on the position.
  • Free Society membership while serving on the position plus two additional years membership for each year helping.
  • Involved in the organization of the AIED conference in the role corresponding to the position.

IAIED Society ‘Technology and Outreach’ officer

In this role, you will shadow and support the IAIED Membership and Web efforts. These activities will include maintaining and expanding the capabilities of the IAIED website (e.g., features like research bibliometrics and browsing archived old conferences) as well as the technical support for the communication with society members (e.g., mailing lists, automatic sending e-mails,...). They will also include efforts to expand visibility of the IAIED Society using technology, such as leveraging AI resources for outreach. Useful experiences include a research background in AI for Education and experience with fullstack development. However, the most important traits will be initiative and communication to work collaboratively to both execute and imagine upgrades to how IAIED's web presence can reach and support researchers and practitioners. You will be a Webmaster chair of the conferences run during your position.

IAIED Society ‘Science Communication’ officer

In this role, you will assist the Society’s publicity working group and chairs to popularise the Society’s news, maintain Society’s social media presence, and improve the Society’s media channels, as well as delivering specific contents for the society members and disseminating AIED systems (e.g. as showcases). Useful experience include experience in using social media channels (twitter, youtube, Linkedin) and online media platforms. Crucial for the role is creativity, initiative and enthusiasm. Good marketing skills and networking are beneficial. You will be a Publicity chair of the conferences run during your position.