

The International Artificial Intelligence in Education Society (IAIED) is an interdisciplinary community at the frontiers of the fields of computer science, education, and psychology. It promotes rigorous research and development of interactive and adaptive learning environments for learners of all ages, across all domains.

The society brings together a community of leading researchers by organizing the AIED conference series, the International Journal of AI in Education (IJAIED), and related activities. IAIED is also a member of the International Alliance to Advance Learning in the Digital Era (IAALDE), an alliance of seven research societies that focus on advances in computer-supported learning.

The society is governed by an Executive Committee according to the IAIED Constitution, which seeks to support AI in Education developments throughout the international community. Membership statistics show that over 1000 members from 40 countries have joined since the Society's launch on January 1 1997. More details on the history of the society are recored in a brief summary of IAIED's History.

Management Board

Olga C. Santos



Years elected for:


Seiji Isotani



Years elected for:


Vania Dimitrova

Secretary / Treasurer

University of Leeds, UK

Years elected for:

Until 2025

Vincent Aleven

Journal Editor

Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Years elected for:


Cristina Conati

Journal Editor

University of British Columbia

Years elected for:


Marcus Specht

Journal Editor

Delft University of Technology

Years elected for:


Ben du Boulay

Finance Chair

University of Sussex, UK

Years elected for:


Benjamin D. Nye

Membership Chair

University of Southern California, USA

Years elected for:


IAIED Officers

Yancy Vance Paredes

Tech & Outreach Officer

North Carolina State University, USA

Years serving:


Miguel Portaz

Science Communication Officer

UNED, Spain

Years serving:


Executive Committee

Akihiro Kashihara

University of Electro-Communications, Japan

Years elected for:

Until 2025

Amruth Kumar

Ramapo College of New Jersey, USA

Years elected for:

Until 2025

Cristothea Herodotou

Open University, UK

Years elected for:

Until 2025

Jeanine A Defalco


Years elected for:

Until 2025

Judith Masthoff

Utrecht Universtiy, Netherlands

Years elected for:

Until 2025

Mercedes T. Rodrigo

Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines

Years elected for:

Until 2025

Ning Wang

University of Southern California, USA

Years elected for:

Until 2025

Olga Santos

UNED, Spain

Years elected for:

Until 2025

Rawad Hammad

University of East London, UK

Years elected for:

Until 2025

Zitao Liu

Jinan University, Guangzhou, China

Years elected for:

Until 2025

Bruce McLaren

Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Years elected for:

Until 2027

Cristina Conati

University of British Columbia, Canada

Years elected for:

Until 2027

Diego Zapata-Rivera

Educational Testing Service, Princeton, USA

Years elected for:

Until 2027

Erin Walker

University of Pittsburgh, USA

Years elected for:

Until 2027

Seiji Isotani

University of São Paulo, Brazil

Years elected for:

Until 2027

Tanja Mitrovic

University of Canterbury, NZ

Years elected for:

Until 2027

Noboru Matsuda

North Carolina State University, USA

Years elected for:

Until 2029

Min Chi

North Carolina State University, USA

Years elected for:

Until 2029

Alexandra I. Cristea

Durham University, UK

Years elected for:

Until 2029

Neil Heffernan

Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA

Years elected for:

Until 2029

Andrew Olney

University of Memphis, USA

Years elected for:

Until 2029

Irene-Angelica Chounta

University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Years elected for:

Until 2029

Beverly Park Woolf

University of Massachusetts, USA

Years elected for:

Until 2029

Ig Ibert Bittencourt

Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Brazil

Years elected for:

Until 2029


1. PURPOSE & MEANS 1.1. The aim of the International Artificial Intelligence in Education Society (hereafter, AIED Society, or Society) is to advance knowledge and promote research and development in the field of Artificial Intelligence in Education. 1.2 The Society organizes its international conference at least every two years. The conference will be called "International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education" unless otherwise agreed by the Executive Committee. 1.3. The Society is the publisher of the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education. 2. ADDRESS (provisional) 2.1. The official address is: International Artificial Intelligence in Education Society c/o Dr Vania Dimitrova, School of Computing University of Leeds, Woodhouse Lane Leeds LS2 9JT, UK 2.1. The address for financial issues is currently: I AIED Society 10 Crichton Street I AIED Society ICCS HCRC School of Information Edinburgh EH8 9AB 2.3. The WWW address is: http://iaied.org The e-mail address is: treasurer@iaied.org 3. MEMBERS 3.1 A person becomes a Member upon reception of an application for membership and payment of dues. 3.2 Each Member shall be entitled to one vote on any vote of the membership. 3.3 The Executive Committee may suspend or expel a Member for cause after an appropriate hearing, after written prior notice to the Member, stating the reasons therefore and after providing an opportunity within one year to be heard on the matter. The terms for suspension or expulsion should be decided and sent by written notice to the Member. 3.4 Any Member may resign by writing to the administrative address. Resignation does not relieve the resigning Member from any obligation owed to the Society. 3.5 Membership in this Society is not transferable or assignable. 3.6 No Member shall be personally liable for any indebtedness, obligation or liability of the Society. 4. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE & MANAGEMENT BOARD 4.1.1 The business and affairs of the Society shall be managed by its Executive Committee (EC). The EC is responsible for the actions performed on behalf of Society. The EC may delegate the management of the activities of the Society to any person or persons or committee however composed, provided that the activities shall be managed under the ultimate direction of the EC. 4.1.2 If not specifically delegated otherwise, the EC delegates the management of the activities to the Management Board (MB). The MB requires approval of initiating actions that are not implied by earlier decisions, statutes or customs from the EC. This approval may be obtained post-hoc, but not later than six weeks after the decision has been made. 4.2 Members of the EC (EC Members) must be Members of the Society. 4.3 There shall be at most and preferrably 25 EC Members, 24 elected by the Members, eight each two years to serve six-year terms. The Editor of the International Journal of AI in Education is a member of the EC. 4.4.1 Immediately after the election of the new EC Members, the EC elects the President-elect of the Management Board (MB). 4.4.2 At the same occasion the EC may extend or decrease the number of positions in the MB and/or elect or re-elect members for these positions. 4.5 Members of the MB are members of the EC. 4.6 The MB consists of at least four members. There is a President, a President-elect, a Secretary and The Editor of the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education. The maximum number of MB members is seven. 4.6.1 The President coordinates activities of the MB and initiates the consultation of EC, respectively chairs the Meetings of the EC or MB. The President represents the Society in dealing with third parties. He or she shall perform all duties as may be prescribed by the EC. He or she may assign duties to other EC Members. The term of the President is two years. 4.6.2 The President-elect succeeds the President. The President-elect takes over the duties of the President when the President is not able to observe these duties. The President-elect is elected every two years. 4.6.3 The succeeded President takes the role of Secretary. The Secretary prepares the annual report of activities and finance of the Society, and the budget for the next year. The term of the Secretary is two years. 4.6.4 The terms of the members of MB on the EC shall be extended beyond six years if necessary to enable the completion of executive duties. The EC may extend the terms as specified in art. 4.6.1 till 4.6.3. 4.7 An EC Member may resign from the EC by giving written notice to the President. 4.8 An EC Member may be removed from the EC by vote of the EC. 4.9 A vacancy in the EC, respectively MB shall be filled at the time of the biennial election of EC Members or at a meeting of the Society, if convenient. 4.10 The business of the EC shall be carried out through e-mail and other means of communication. Decisions shall be made by a majority vote of EC Members. Proposals requiring the approval of the Members shall be specified in the notice for the annual meeting of Members. The Secretary shall maintain a record of decisions made by the EC. 5. MEETINGS 5.1 The Society meets annually, either * At the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. * At another occasion, approved by the EC at least six months in advance. * Via electronic mail, organized by the MB. Notice of the meeting shall be given in an appropriate Society publication and via electronic mail. Such notice shall set forth those matters which the EC intends to present for action by the Members. These matters include the annual reports and the budgets, while biennially the voting of the new EC, respectively MB members shall be on the agenda. 5.2 In case the meeting is held at a specific time and place, then five per cent of Members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at a meeting of the Members, provided, however, that if less than one-third of the Members attend then the only matters that may be voted on are those of which notice was given. In case the meeting and/or ballot is held by electronic means, one-third of the Members shall constitute a quorum. 5.3 Voting may take place by show of hand at a meeting of Members or by (electronic) ballot. Approval at a meeting shall be by majority vote. Approval by ballot shall be by majority vote provided that the number of votes cast exceeds that which would constitute a quorum at a meeting of Members. 5.4 (Electronic) ballots shall be organised by the MB, who shall distribute one ballot to each Member, specifying the time by which the ballot must be received in order to be counted. 5.5 Agenda, reports, budget and other relevant documentation for the meetings should be available at least two weeks before the actual meeting respectively the ballot by electronic mail takes place to the Members. During this period all Members are allowed to comment on this documentation, and specifically propose additional topics for the agenda or candidates for the EC. The MB should enable the dissemination of these comments to all other Members. 5.6 A meeting of EC Members may be held immediately before or after an annual meeting of Members, if requested by an EC Member. 5.7 The decisions made by majority vote at a Meeting of Members overrule decisions made by the EC, respectively MB. 6. FINANCES 6.1 Contracts on behalf of the Society shall be signed by the President and the President-elect. 6.2 All payments by the Society shall be made by or signed by the Secretary. For payments which are not implied by the approved budget and which are beyond the maximum amount to which the EC has given its authorization, advance permission by the EC is required. The Secretary may delegate this authority to other members of the MB. 6.3 The financial report and the budget for the next calendar year have to be approved by the EC before three months have passed in the calendar year of the budget. 6.4 The budget for the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education shall be approved by the EC and the host institution. A distribution of profits and losses between the host institution (Organization Chair) and the Society shall be an appendix to the agreement between the Society and the Organization Chair. The budget of the International Conference is not part of the budget of the Society. 6.5 The EC shall determine the membership dues and the method and time of payment. 6.6 Any person acting in good faith for or on behalf of the Society, and with the approval of the EC, shall be indemnified by the Society against any expenses incurred in connection with any claim or suit arising from that action. 7. THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN EDUCATION 7.1 The organization of an International Conference may be delegated to an Organization Chair after approval by the EC of the budget of the Conference. The Organization Chair forms an Organization Committee. The MB shall make an agreement on behalf of the Society and the Organization Committee. 7.2 The President of the Society is Conference Chair of an International Conference. The Conference Chair controls the the execution of the agreement. The President may delegate this role. 7.3 The MB appoints one or more persons as Program Chair for an International Conference. The Program Chair is responsible for the program and the publication of the Proceedings of the Conference. The Program Chair does not need approval of any member of the Society for decisions regarding the content of the Conference. The Program Chair forms a Program Committee. 8. THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN EDUCATION 8.1 The Journal has an Editor, one or more Associate Editors and an Editorial Board 8.2 The Editor of the Journal is elected or re-elected every six year by the EC. The Editorial Board and the Associate Editors of the Journal have the exclusive right to propose candidate editors. 8.3 The Editor determines the Associate Editors and the membership of the Editorial Board. 8.4 The Editor prepares the annual financial report and a budget for the next year for the Journal, and has it included in the annual report, respectively budget of the Society. 8.5 The Editor is exclusively responsible for the content of the Journal. 9. AMENDMENTS Any Member may propose to the EC to amend, adopt or repeal any clause of this constitution. Upon 2/3 vote by the EC in favour of such a proposal, it shall be placed on the agenda of the next meeting of the membership. Amendments are accepted by a ballot when more than 2/3 of the votes of the members are in favour. 10. DISSOLUTION On dissolution of the Society, its assets remaining after payment of all debts and liabilities shall revert to UNESCO.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- The latest official address of the AIED society is: International Artificial Intelligence in Education Society c/o Dr Vania Dimitrova, School of Computing University of Leeds, Woodhouse Lane Leeds LS2 9JT, UK -------------------------------------------------------------------------